View Full Version : General Enclosure Discussion

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  1. ZooMed Mini UTH
  2. I Have A question
  3. Where can I find?
  4. pine for enclosures?
  5. all rubbermaids????
  6. Driftwood and rocks??
  7. setting up fake plants in tanks
  8. need some help building this
  9. CAGE PICTURE - I hope it works.
  10. What to put in this cage??
  11. blueprints or plans?
  12. adequit size cages for snakes...
  13. New Cage, Plz Help
  14. small pics for dialerz(my new cage)
  15. Emerald Cage
  16. Melamine Construction Question
  17. Wire Mesh
  18. Flooring?
  19. A room for a boa?
  20. Epoxy?
  21. ecosystem
  22. sliding glass doors
  23. Want to make an enclosure
  24. heat lamp Q
  25. realy good deal
  26. Heating/UV
  27. Cages
  28. Partition viv
  29. temp? help
  30. veiwing light
  31. vents
  32. Want to build I cage? this should help...
  33. Heating
  34. heating/blacklight/rope light
  35. sand and sliding glass doors....
  36. new enclosure
  37. Heating problem.
  38. Best Heating
  39. Amazon Tree Boa Setup....
  40. glass?
  41. cage size
  42. enclosure pictures
  43. Floresent
  44. Future Boa Home - concept - ideas requested
  45. Help me find this website.
  46. Radiant heat panels
  47. instructions}building rack
  48. Adhesives & Sealants
  49. Cage building question
  50. what are the best floorings
  51. cabnet (plz tell me what u think)
  52. Corncob (bed o cobs) for BCI substrate?
  53. paint questions
  54. vents??? anyone???
  55. Aaqurium stand ideas??
  56. heating
  57. Thermostat
  58. Ball Python 1st timer!
  59. I just got ...
  60. Cutting Melamine?
  61. fake rock backdrops....
  62. Has anyone ever used...
  63. Custom Enclosure Questions!
  64. Radiant Heat Pad Manufacturers
  65. How would you heat this type of enclosure?
  66. BP cage size
  67. from ebay
  68. disinfecrting
  69. rubbermaids
  70. measurement help
  71. Help Please!
  72. Finishing a cage
  73. Metal Halide Bulbs
  74. Cage Project need help
  75. alcatraz enclosure needed
  76. enclosure
  77. cleaning
  78. heat pad
  79. Which type of wood?
  80. Heat tape
  81. Cage Building Help
  82. Pine
  83. my first enclosure attempt..
  84. New Rack Questions
  85. Cricket enclosure
  86. Humidity/Urethane
  87. reostats vd. termostats
  88. New Racks
  89. more questions
  90. temperature control
  91. Lids
  92. What do you think of all screen enclosures?
  93. Can someone PLEASE tell me how to do this (pic)
  94. plywood?
  95. calci sand for substrate
  96. is melamine best?
  97. Amazon tree boa cage question
  98. how bought this for an enclosure
  99. New house woes...
  100. Thoughts on Heat Rope?
  101. ceramic tile?
  102. can you use computer case fans for ventilation?
  103. plastic caging opinions needed
  104. new custom cage
  105. what do you think of this idea?
  106. Precision Caging
  107. 6'x4'x4' for monkey skink...
  108. Bah! I have been misinformed... and corrected... so I'm passing it on to you!
  109. Fusion....
  110. dresser into a viv?
  111. Is POISIN ok?
  112. astro turf
  113. Cage Design
  114. dimensions
  115. Non-Toxic
  116. Paper Mache
  117. outdoor enclosures?
  118. Snake room almost finished
  119. how many gallons?
  120. Rack Pics
  121. venomous slid rack
  122. Caulking
  123. Possible new substrate
  124. Glass tanks versus rubbermaids
  125. Starting my first enclosure--qsts
  126. back ups
  127. building your own tanks
  128. Wood Type
  129. my crestie's enclosure
  130. Woo hoo my FIRST cage pics
  131. Stupid Me!
  132. Matrix Enclosure
  133. Where do you find coconut shells?
  134. Need some advice????
  135. What's Your Opinion?
  136. EnviroGuard as substrate
  137. Anyone ever used Heat Cable?
  138. heat tape
  139. what to do with 3.5 x 5 x 6.5 foot
  140. Glass or Wood or Fibreglass?
  141. breaking glass
  142. Corner vivariums
  143. Cleaning a used tank
  144. Using MDF....
  145. Building an Enclosure
  146. Installing Pro Heat Panels.........
  147. Glass Tank. Drilling holes?
  148. Glass tank sideways
  149. Heating an Enclosure
  150. someone got probe thermostat in canada?
  151. little question
  152. Cage size
  153. Building a couple of enclosures???
  154. Cleaning glass tanks.
  155. enclosure material
  156. Enclosure for 2 beardies
  157. Humidity keeper
  158. 30 Gallon Tank Dimensions?
  159. cool hide
  160. Boa Enclosure (not setup)
  161. cheap cages?
  162. Bedding ?
  163. Sealing Wood
  164. Enclosure tips
  165. Making Climbing Branch
  166. 4x2x2 cage.......135$ Details inside
  167. how i build my enclosures.
  168. El-cheapo yet neato
  169. Drying Cypress Mulch.....
  170. Heat Cable for leo caging: 1st Test done
  171. heat tape question
  172. Mangrove Monitor enclosure
  173. Cheap Plexiglass
  174. questions
  175. Red Fir?
  176. King enclosure
  177. water monitor cage
  178. Attaching Radiant Heat panels
  179. what do I need now?
  180. Humidity??
  181. Heating for Boas
  182. Copperhead Enclosure
  183. heating melamine enclosure?????
  184. Cage measurements.
  185. Glass Cage Order Form
  186. Shipping cages?????
  187. blue prints on bulding a custom cage
  188. Substrate?
  189. heat mats
  190. tank price?
  191. Fir nuggets?
  192. heating
  193. another rack quesion
  194. Heating a wood enclosure
  195. need hygrometer advice
  196. adult boa enclosure question
  197. crested gecko cage
  198. Painting tanks
  199. BCI cages
  200. *pics* needed for rack design
  201. Heat pads and rubbermaids
  202. Beta chip in Alberta
  203. Cypress Mulch drying out?
  204. radiant heater panels?
  205. basic question about woods and treating wood
  206. Were to get glass in Toronto
  207. Cage Ventine JCP?
  208. Heating my boa condo
  209. Finally making our own........
  210. glueing melimine?
  211. oil based........
  212. quesiona again
  213. Pic request of heat tape in use
  214. Flexwatt heat tape
  215. 8x3x2.5
  216. one last heating ??
  217. edge sealant........
  218. How many coats?
  219. interesting site I found, that may be of help to some of you.
  220. Beardie Rack
  221. heat mats
  222. super glue?
  223. heating question
  224. Cage question.
  225. great way to build
  226. heating question......
  227. UTH and lamps
  228. maybe a good heat solution.
  229. Rubber hides
  230. how can i judge infrared light
  231. Enclosure, backing question?
  232. Boaphile Plastics?
  233. Ventilation question!
  234. Thermostat Help
  235. New Substrate - Humidity Issues
  236. 8=4=4 Cage Plans Or Bigger
  237. Heating racks and melamine cages
  238. Visions
  239. How to heat this cage????
  240. toss this in your google
  241. new cages
  242. ribbermaid sizes
  243. Heating a Vision Cage
  244. Radiant Heat Panels
  245. custom glass tank?
  246. Flexwatt heat tape availability
  247. cleaning cork bark
  248. How long......
  249. Building a corn snake and rat rack
  250. too many electrical cords..