View Full Version : General Enclosure Discussion

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  1. Instead of conrete, whats the next best thing to use for enclosure?
  2. AP Sterilite 1996/6 Snake Rack
  3. My finished product!!
  4. Radiant Heat panels
  5. My new vivs
  6. What would YOU put in this enclosure?
  7. Making switch to Herpstat 4
  8. Ball Python Enclosures
  9. Removing that "new cage" smell.
  10. Which size enclosure for 13ft burm??
  11. My vivs almost done
  12. Thinking of a DIY cage
  13. Planning my setup
  14. decisions decisions
  15. Safe Silicone?
  16. heating in a custom enclosure?
  17. Heating a Rubbermaid/Sterilite
  18. Custom rat cage
  19. Cedar. read.
  20. Help with DIY viv.
  21. Does size matter for a retic?
  22. Fish tank to snake enclosure?
  23. Help With Flexwatt
  24. Snakes getting out..
  25. The great fish tank debate
  26. DIY Snake Enrichment!
  27. viv. (ontario or gta members only)
  28. DIY Lid/Hood Help, please.
  29. DIY Viv stack - how suitable is this plan?
  30. trying to get this 20l tank to work.
  31. ap or pvc cages
  32. help with mounting perches
  33. Can a Leopard Gecko be kept in a pvc enclosure ?
  34. help me choose what t stat
  35. What surface temp is too hot for snakes?
  36. Enclosure Cleaning?
  37. Wood mites
  38. How Often Do You Do A Full Enclosure Cleaning?
  39. Question (tank sizing and tubs)
  40. trying to decide what route i want to go.
  41. waterproof sealant for painted wooden enclosure
  42. well i bit the bullet today.
  43. Plastic container question
  44. Temp problem.
  45. made some changed to the outside of my tank.
  46. Bioactive Substrates
  47. Homemade Feeding Ledge
  48. BP enclosure
  49. Children's washed play sand- Is it safe to use?
  50. Tubs for boas
  51. Building Enclosures For My Burms
  52. Fiberglass Resin
  53. Enclosure for a BCC
  54. Decided on an enclosure
  55. Frilled Dragon Enclosure WIP
  56. 50 gallon work in progress
  57. RHP question
  58. Cheapest way to build your own homemade snake rack
  59. a few questions about making doors for a cage
  60. multiple species rack system
  61. keep the same hides!
  62. Would this work as a good wood sealer?
  63. new tank equipment photos/update
  64. thermostat probe
  65. My Reptile Enclosures
  66. Stackable Bioactive cages?
  67. PVC snake enclosures. What do you use?
  68. sliding glass door handles?
  69. Lemons?
  70. DIY Hatchling Rack on a Budget! (Photos)
  71. Would Really Appreciate Some Help!
  72. Viv backgrounds?
  73. UV for Bredl's
  74. All Treat Farms - Potting Soil - Okay?
  75. Naturalistic Terrarium
  76. Need advice on my enclosure
  77. Quick heating question......
  78. Surface and Air Temps
  79. Snake Enclosure
  80. Boamaster
  81. water dragon closet
  82. BCI housing on a budget
  83. Heating a tall enclosure
  84. Lou's house, "Frankentank"
  85. Ball Python Enclosure Help
  86. Advice wanted on boa enclosure
  87. flex watt heating question
  88. what would you be willing to pay?
  89. those that have an animal plastics tank.
  90. would you take this deal
  91. My dumerial boa
  92. how to get a 8' cage home
  93. Heating PVC cages
  94. Boa vivarium fake rock walls question
  95. Lighting PVC enclosures
  96. i think i went too big.....
  97. Cage In progress
  98. Bio- Active Soil?
  99. animal plastics......
  100. Boaphile Heating
  101. Thermostat comparison?
  102. New pet project, (pun intended)
  103. Question about using Rack/tubs
  104. Humidity for argentine boa enclosure
  105. JCP Enclosure--hopefully
  106. New member, building a Columbian Boa Enclosure
  107. New enclosure
  108. How does this look?
  109. New tank
  110. Question about Flexwatt in a Melamine cage
  111. Habitat Temperatures/humidities for All/many Popular Reptiles
  112. check these out
  113. help with wood selection
  114. Substrate question
  115. Water Troubles
  116. sugar glider cage
  117. confused about something
  118. So need help with ideas, or experinced tips...
  119. Timor monitor enclsoure sketch
  120. Styrofoam cages?
  121. Vision Cage?
  122. Best thermometer/ Heat wire?
  123. worth the money?
  124. Why is my humidity so low?
  125. New tank :)
  126. finding the right bins
  127. what do you use for substrate?
  128. water bowl depth?
  129. Please help with DIY
  130. this is a long shot
  131. Need Help w/ Building an Enclosure
  132. To small enclosure?
  133. Several 4x2x2 enclosures. Buy or make?
  134. background for a 40 gallon and 20 gallon long tank
  135. moldy log problem
  136. Advice on material for display enclosure
  137. mites in bark
  138. Awesome cage for sale
  139. Request: Natural looking enclosure pictures.
  140. Good display animal for a 20L
  141. New Enclosure - Suggestions?
  142. Update :)
  143. cheap thermometer?
  144. diy rack system
  145. providing heat at night or not?
  146. Need help on new viv.
  147. Plastic Bin's
  148. Keeping sides of bin locked
  149. RHP question :confused:
  150. Humidity and Heat
  151. Help with sealant.
  152. thermostat broke / best way to regulate temps?
  153. AHS Microiimate system.
  154. Checklist for First Timer
  155. Hearing different things - would like record set straight
  156. New Rack, New Idea-
  157. FlexWatt Questions
  158. Gap Size for Hatchlings?
  159. My first viv build
  160. Viv update
  161. Temp Prob
  162. Building a Wooden Cage- help!
  163. Got my PVC Cages!
  164. What would you house in here?
  165. Lighting
  166. Corn cage
  167. How to lower humidity?
  168. cage liner/substrate
  169. Building question
  170. Viv so far.
  171. Large enclosure curiosity
  172. Viv is finished and lots of pics.
  173. Good deal?
  174. Ideal size
  175. Question about Vivarium Electronics Thermostat
  176. New Rubbermaid Found - Your Thoughts
  177. Why not just buy these
  178. bumpers for the bottom of the tank
  179. Beta chips.
  180. Ceramic heaters for Sterilite tubs
  181. Ceramic Heat Emitter
  182. ok to use hardwood dowls?
  183. Used UTH
  184. Climate Controlled Terrarium
  185. Amazon Tree Boa display cage.
  186. Back up heating question
  187. I'm making a Uromastyx tank.
  188. I am not a very crafty person, which of these would be better?
  189. Humidity gauge.
  190. sliding glass door track
  191. Acrylic Tank Heating
  192. UTH vs Light fixtures
  193. regulating a UTH
  194. Desert themes...
  195. How to completely rid your substrate of mites and other parasites
  196. The Right Size And Watt of Radiant Heat Panels
  197. Thermostat placement with UTH's.
  198. Hide entry placement
  199. styrofoam trees
  200. heating cables?
  201. Kiln Fired.. ?
  202. Do it yourself terrarium rocks, walls and more.
  203. Hot glue gun or aquarium sealant for glass cages?
  204. Putting the "rub" in Rubbermaid
  205. Vent location in enclosure
  206. Working with Drylock
  207. Pro Products Pro Heat RHPs?
  208. Cage reeks of urine after cleaning
  209. RHP placement
  210. Instead of using radiant heat panels or heat lamps with plastic enclosures...
  211. Should I sanitize these driftwood?
  212. UV LED's
  213. Arboreal hides??
  214. Ball Python UTH
  215. Utilizing the upper area of a terrarium?
  216. Ventilation holes in racking systems
  217. Idea for first DIY cage
  218. A Message from Allie @ Animal Plastics
  219. What type of cage would work best?
  220. New Animal Plastics T25 to Arrive in 2 Weeks.
  221. Building Bud and Cloud's permanent enclosures
  222. A question on enclosures
  223. Keeping a tub dry???
  224. A question on substrates
  225. heating for a stackable cage
  226. Stacking plastic enclosures - Animal Plastics, Boaphile, PVC...etc
  227. tinting glass
  228. Herpstat 2
  229. Thermostat probe blocked by snake - Over heating?
  230. Questions
  231. Loads of building questions.
  232. How to secure pvc pipe/ dowel in upper glass Tank
  233. Heating wooden cages?
  234. PVC Vrs. Wood
  235. When to change substrate?
  236. Is crape myrtle tree wood snake safe?
  237. How to clean Used Terrarium
  238. First king snake cage :)
  239. Racking Systems?
  240. Painting pink foam insulation question.
  241. built my carpet an enclosure
  242. Dugaia enclosures.
  243. Heater too hot?
  244. How to set up moss..?
  245. help- Moving!
  246. What paint to use?
  247. ECO Earth
  248. Is this safe to use inside reptile cage?
  249. What is the proper heating method for a kingsnake?
  250. New Savannah Monitor - Insulation in cage?