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  1. diamond better pic's
  2. Tips on taming a nippy Jungle/Jaguar carpet python?
  3. Couple more Diamonds to add to the "pile"
  4. First Albino Jag by Henry Piorun
  5. regualar jaguar thread
  6. letting them roam around?
  7. chemicals in the air
  8. my new 07 50% jungle/jaguar
  9. 75% irian/jaguar reduced pattern
  10. Some of the 2010 Diamond Jungle Jags I produced
  11. Caramel Morph
  12. Female jag carpet
  13. new to carpets
  14. snakes is acting really weird in new cage
  15. would you use a jag with neuro problem to breed?
  16. Crossing - potentional offspring
  17. 40 gallon too small?
  18. meet bonnie and clyde
  19. Mrs Norman
  20. Going to the PDX Reptile Expo
  21. Just got my new snakes from the airport :)
  22. Hubby got me this from the reptile show
  23. Finally getting to post pics of the new guys
  24. Whats up with my Irian Jayas skin
  25. How long do i wait to hold a carpet python
  26. new snakes tomorow at 12 pm
  27. New JCP owner with questions
  28. Why is me carpet python making wheezing noises?
  29. new pictures!
  30. Has anyone ever been left anything in the snake shed?
  31. Question about help after feeding (Substrate in mouth/pits)
  32. Skunk in fresh skin!
  33. New Jungle Jag girl from Mike Curtin :D
  34. New 75% diamond/25% jungle male from Luke Snell :)
  35. new jungle carpet
  36. Please help carpet pyhton
  37. Cage size
  38. Magic biter
  39. New Carpet!
  40. Jungle Jim in his new skin
  41. wont eat!!
  42. Looking for a 2010 baby
  43. What do we have here?
  44. Meet Vern
  45. New JCP arrived to my doorstep 2 hours ago!
  46. Coastal "Popping sound" When Breathing
  47. nippy female JCP
  48. New snakes reptile expo oct 2010
  49. Seperate Feeding area?
  50. JCP Handling Question
  51. seriously!
  52. some morelia
  53. not mine, snowflake jugle jag!
  54. Morelia in her new skin!
  55. Carpalls discussion
  56. One from the motherland
  57. help!! (Jungle Jag with RI)
  58. no skin on my snakes face
  59. Centrailian Pythons (pair)
  60. Diamond Python Trio
  61. Updated pics of my whole collection :) Lots of pics!
  62. What a fifference a shed makes
  63. Got a carpet today! :)
  64. How to produce a Zebra?
  65. Feeding...............
  66. Would you beleive it....
  67. JCP Pic`s
  68. Feeding
  69. Sweetheart 51/2 month old Female JCP
  70. To rescue or not to rescue...
  71. JCP Setup
  72. Danger! High Voltage!
  73. Getting there
  74. My JCP finally shed!
  75. 09 female irian reduced pattern
  76. 09 male irian reduced pattern
  77. JCP Update (pics)
  78. Gravid womas
  79. A few feeding pics!
  80. Buying a Jag for a future breeding project
  81. junglexdiamond help
  82. Jag x Jag = death?
  83. New addition to the family
  84. JCP symptoms query
  85. Show us your JCP (AKA love the pattern)
  86. papau new guinea pair
  87. Jungle Jag Size
  88. my carpet python
  89. Getting my first snake
  90. What do you think of my cool bracelet!!
  91. tank cleaning question
  92. My Jag Girl...
  93. first feed after cooling cycle
  94. a day after feeding
  95. some carpets feeding
  96. Noob JCP questions ;)
  97. Pre-shed pics! / and when will he eat again?
  98. copper coloured jaguar
  99. aspen?
  100. My new Jaguar Carpets and Dumeril Boa
  101. Hoping for some copulation
  102. I got my Jag!!!
  103. Carpet Python VS 4 golf balls
  104. gonesnakee what you got cooking (2011) ?
  105. diamond after shed
  106. Snake dreaming??
  107. Dezra's feeding
  108. My first JCP :)
  109. Rats or mice.. and why?
  110. Shedding question
  111. Finally got my Jag
  112. Look NO blood!!
  113. Jungle Help!
  114. Mogli
  115. What size food?
  116. More pics of Dezra
  117. New Carpet on the way!!!!!!
  118. The bug has bit... I think I'll be picking up a JCP at an expo this weekend
  119. Maternal Incubation?
  120. Well I did it, not what I planned on, but a carpet none the less :)
  121. Pics of My JCP
  122. Advice needed
  123. anyone heard or keep bredli pythons
  124. Looking for some advice on what size rats to order
  125. Scarlett is quite the photogenic snake
  126. Stubborn IJ
  127. JCP adult enclosure size?
  128. Jungle Jaya Jag
  129. 2010 male diamond x 2
  130. Adult Carpet takes down Jumbo Rat
  131. Profile : Jim
  132. Do I just have a small snake?
  133. sad news....
  134. Finally a second shed!
  135. Happy news sad news, and some new aditions to my little family
  136. Profile: Scarlett
  137. Diamond Momma Taking care Of Business!
  138. jungle in new enclosure
  139. much to do about no poo
  140. Another Pic progression by Max713. Warning, (graphic) pic heavy.
  141. A pretty good birthday present
  142. Does she look Hungry ?
  143. She was hungry
  144. Newest Additions, Looking For Opinions
  145. How long before he tames down?
  146. New Set Up
  147. JCP not eating
  148. Heating help!
  149. More pics to share :)
  150. beautiful jungle carpet python
  151. can you house multiple JCP's together?
  152. Adrien ate! (pics)
  153. Mickey, my first snake enjoying a meal
  154. new Irian Jaya pair!
  155. Don't underestimate an adult carpets strength! (PICS)
  156. Search is over lol
  157. Show us your CCP (AKA love the Spilota)
  158. Let me know when you guys get tired of my pic progressions...
  159. IJ Carpet Python
  160. Jungle x Diamond gets a snack
  161. My brand new baby darwin carpet python
  162. Resist handling in the beginning?
  163. Best feeding regimen for switching to rat pinks?
  164. make gold while the sun shines
  165. diamonds sparkle in the sun !!!
  166. My setup. Tell me what you think!
  167. Is this normal? Kinda nervous
  168. what size rat?
  169. Not sure what to do!
  170. First feed=Life changing
  171. Coastal Jag
  172. 2010 diamonds after shed
  173. Handling tips please?
  174. How hot is too hot?
  175. diamond female update
  176. diamond pictures (random)
  177. true jungle carpet python?
  178. First bite progression thread.... :O
  179. Anyone had a Carpet go in and out of Blue without actually shedding!?!?
  180. Jag or Not ???
  181. Showing me her fangs.
  182. A pic progression you don't want to miss!
  183. My darwin carpet pythons
  184. I'm back and with a couple pics!
  185. You told me you wouldn't get tired of my progressions.
  186. Too sweet!
  187. Growth rate between sheds
  188. I promised you some outdoor pics (Coastal Carpet in a Tree)
  189. Carpet Genetics??
  190. Digit eating
  191. Esme's Rat Bulge pics!
  192. New Carpet
  193. New Jungle Jag
  194. (Nova) Carpet Python Shed
  195. my new pair of bredli
  196. Had Adrien a month and 1/2
  197. Success!
  198. Static's new enclosure lighting question!
  199. Im confusedd!
  200. New Addition
  201. New Carpet.
  202. My New Female JCP (pics finally)
  203. Looking for a little handling advice
  204. switching an Irian Jaya from mice to rats
  205. Couple of cool shots, and Scarlett tagging a rat.
  206. My JCP outside today!
  207. New skin
  208. Radiant heat panel question.
  209. I think i have the bug.
  210. Another 713 style progression
  211. not pooping?
  212. Mr. Adrien's new thing
  213. My JCP is a Bruins fan!
  214. Static's New Home!!!
  215. JCP not eating
  216. Carpet Python Help!
  217. Small bump on side JCP neck
  218. Update Carpet Python (Nova)
  219. My Jaguar
  220. Fresh shed, and a big ole' rat
  221. I am Chondro. I swear!
  222. Took my girl on a "walk"
  223. Dezra is almost a year lot
  224. New addition
  225. Jungle Jaguar Hatchlings
  226. Diamond python "Moneypenny" update
  227. This thread is 100% for the purpose of making Wayne antsy
  228. new pics of my girl
  229. I SOOO want to buy her!
  230. new here, and new snake!
  231. Carpet feeding time!
  232. Do Carpets eat well?
  233. Grabbed a IJ Female today!
  234. should i be worried?
  235. My '05 Papuan New Guinea Carpet
  236. My ij jag color change so far...
  237. new jcp
  238. Static Chowing down!
  239. aggressive jungle carpet python
  240. What to do?
  241. Some feeding pics
  242. My New Python - Angelus
  243. feed it often?
  244. My silly JCP.
  245. A Quick Question
  246. new JCP
  247. New Addition
  248. Why why why? Delilah
  249. Yet another Static picture ;)
  250. Morelia i keep