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  1. Female Jungle Dropped...
  2. Pics!
  3. Fun in the tree
  4. breeding
  5. 100% fertility rate! :D
  6. Jkuroski...
  7. A little up date
  8. The nightlife.....
  9. More pics of my handsome boy :D
  10. Egg pic
  11. Full grown at what age???
  12. Straight Striped Coastal Male - PICS
  13. pics
  14. New pictures to show you !
  15. Psycho....
  16. Red scales?
  17. Jungle carpet python
  18. Red scales turning brown
  19. some of are Morelia
  20. Mirror mirror on the wall
  21. Season is under way....
  22. Natural incubation?
  23. looking for scrubb pics and info!
  24. patternless mollucan scrub
  25. No improvement
  26. Wow, movement!
  27. This Sucks Big Time!!
  28. New JCP
  29. Weird Spots on egg
  30. Jungles.....
  31. Scrubs
  32. Thanks for all the great comments.....!!
  33. Incubation.....
  34. Eggs
  35. Some Pics for rememberance sake...:(
  36. It does not get better then this!!!! 51 DAYS!!!!!
  37. Large Meraukee Scrub pics
  38. Popping.. How young is too young???
  39. Bored so I'll post a new picture. A couple yearlings
  40. My carpet is 1 year old
  41. What are the odds of this working?
  42. eggs?
  43. Coastals have hatched...
  44. My new carpet pic
  45. Sex determination in pythons..
  46. My hands are shaking, my heart is racing, and I've never seen anything more beautiful
  47. Fasting
  48. Enclosures
  49. Ahhhh!!!yes!!!yes!!yes!!!
  50. Ryan and Sheila (Scales Zoo)....Excellent peoples!! :-)
  51. HELP!!! Where did my baby go???
  52. *lots and lots* of baby IJ pics!!!
  53. Eggs?
  54. My Mustard
  55. Shag Pic
  56. IJ custom enclosure ?'s(Long, Sry)
  57. IJ availability
  58. Baby IJ size
  59. IJCP Cons
  60. Sad Way to Start a Day
  61. breeding coastals
  62. More pics!! *lots*
  63. How big?
  64. jcp
  65. 2.4
  66. When / 15gal
  67. Shy hatchling IJ pictures are here
  68. hatch results
  69. pics of are 9 little guys/girls
  70. New female for next year.....
  71. Biggy female from Scales Zoo....
  72. Shedding IJ
  73. CBB '01 Irian Jaya just shed
  74. Tips on feeding Neonate carpets..
  75. Finished IJ Enclosure
  76. Jungle and Eggs
  77. Doby my Coastal Carpet
  78. My new adoption :D
  79. Here are some pics of my babies!
  80. After shed weirdness?
  81. why the hell does this happen to me?
  82. Carpet Enclosures
  83. Too young for eggs or babies - but pretty pair
  84. Irian Jaya photos
  85. Snack time - crossbred jungle pics
  86. My 10 ft Coastal carpet
  87. Supper time!
  88. Carpet Cross Feeding Time
  89. Do you people get Water Pythons in U.S.?
  90. Mudboy flood us with pictures
  91. IJ rat conversion project
  92. My new IJ!!!
  93. "Pip" squeaks...ha ha get it?
  94. Teasing the kids with a mouse
  95. A question for those who have hatched carpet eggs????
  96. Cut
  97. Check out this little egg tooth...
  98. I'm a Morelia mom!
  99. IJ's air flow....
  100. Test
  101. looking
  102. care sheet
  103. Found some Bredli pics
  104. My carpet swallowed a rooster
  105. Seth say hello to everyone!
  106. my Jungles
  107. Im sick of carpets, lets look at something different
  108. Wanna see some diamonds ??
  109. What's your favourite Carpet Python ssp?
  110. A test for photos
  111. A very good carpet web page
  112. IJ pics
  113. why do snake owners have cats??
  114. Question...
  115. How often do babies shed?
  116. Observations of cycling using sunlight
  117. geting a cp this sat
  118. Pippin' at Day 52....
  119. JUNGLE and IRIAN JAYA photos!
  120. Dreams....My Jaguar carpet python has arrived.....can come true!!!!!!!
  121. A good picture of the Jag!!
  122. IJCP question
  123. Large IJ Pic
  124. didnt get one
  125. Timor pics
  126. new snakey
  127. A box of carpet
  128. chat
  129. he got out!
  130. Best Carpet!
  131. jungle X diamond pics
  132. a day in the sun, some pictures
  133. Ok all lets play WHO AM I........
  134. Guess what!!
  135. JUNGLE CARPET PYTHON after a shed!
  136. OK lets play "Who am I" again.
  137. My baby Diamonds
  138. Wierd Coastal carpet snake
  139. Post your 5 best carpets
  140. Silver coastal full body shot
  141. 5 best carpets day 2
  142. Just same babies that have shed out...(Clutch #1)...
  143. More babies that have shed out (Clutch #2)....
  144. Sorry for the crappy pics...
  145. 5 Best carpets day 3
  146. 5 Best day 4
  147. Jungles most alert and inquistive snake?
  148. *screeches in utter delight*
  149. This day just keeps getting better and better!
  150. My new Carpet/Scrub cross
  151. 5 Best carpets day 5
  152. A Few IJ Questions
  153. 50/50 Jcp
  154. New IJ
  155. How are the aussies today?
  156. What breeders to get an IJC python from?
  157. Dobbie pic :)
  158. Carpet X Scrub pic's
  159. Little Coastal carpet pic
  160. Baby JCP's
  161. Better shots of 50/50jcps
  162. My new water python
  163. How to set-up enclosure for baby IJC
  164. Jungle Fever
  165. Nother IJ Pic
  166. Eye Candy :o)
  167. Would this be a good size tank for a adult IJC?
  168. And for tonights entertainment
  169. Head pattern?
  170. mouse size, snake size..
  171. some thoughts
  172. jaguar !
  173. are there and IJ x JC pythons?
  174. Jungle Carpet Python - Deadalis
  175. Yearling Irian jaya
  176. Getting ready for their 2nd sheds....
  177. housing...
  178. housing?
  179. clutch size?
  180. Head shot
  181. New pic of small carpet
  182. Couple jungle carpet photos
  183. Lets see some feeding pics!
  184. Capret Complex
  185. Identity Test
  186. Jungle Pics
  187. Housing size?
  188. Perfect shed
  189. 03 Female from Will Leary just shed PIC
  190. Jungle Cross
  191. Neat little cryptic baby.....
  192. What do you think of these IJs? (56K Beware)
  193. OK last time What do you think of these IJ babies?!?!?
  194. how big?
  195. Priddy Lady!
  196. WOOHOO! Search is over! I found my baby!!!
  197. Hey guys...
  198. New Babies
  199. I think we're in business...
  200. Pics of IJCP Pair
  201. The Poster Child
  202. I love this lil guy!
  203. What do you guys think?
  204. Full Body Shot of the Poster Child...
  205. Jag-ish jungle I picked up from Will Leary...
  206. Who?
  207. What the heck???
  208. My Jungles
  209. prices
  210. Thanks Jeff
  211. jungle sexing question
  212. What is your IJ eating?
  213. Some of my carpet pythons
  214. I Give Up!
  215. He's Here! He's Here!....and he is CRAZY!
  216. Your opinions needed!
  217. Jaguar Sibs
  218. Bredli Pic!
  219. First Meal
  220. Back from vacation, and a updated Jaguar picture
  221. I was sent to research about carpet pythons as a new snake
  222. Camera Shy
  223. Daytona Pics!!!!
  224. Pondering acquisition
  225. handling carpets !
  226. Catching up...
  227. Bredli Pics - Part 2
  228. Finally home !
  229. Rabbits are goooood
  230. my snakie
  231. Thinking about getting a jungle carpet
  232. Othello Pics
  233. humidity for coastal
  234. Info on Carpets
  235. My new baby JCP
  236. 2 weeks and 3 pinkies later, and no poop....
  237. Anyone want to guess what kind of carpet this is?
  238. Coastal carpet picture and see you all next weekend at the show in TO
  239. Best Morelia?
  240. Dry skin??
  241. Opinions on last years hold back female
  242. Some new carpet pictures
  243. Jaguar availability
  244. Pics of my new baby IJC, and some Feeding pics.
  245. Another New IJC (Find of the century!!!!)
  246. Now, I'm worried...
  247. 75% Diamond, 25% Jungle.......
  248. High Red Irian Jaya Carpet?
  249. Thinking of getting a pair of JCP's. Have some questions.
  250. Why these guys will always have a place in my collection....