View Full Version : Thamnophis

  1. garter snakes anyone?
  2. inbreeding...
  3. Anyone else here keep Garter Snakes? (Thamnophis)
  4. Wayne's Garter Snake Photo thread
  5. this flame just keeps getting hotter
  6. Blackneck Garter Snakes
  7. Red sided Garter snakes Picture thread
  8. R.I.P. Flicka (2008-2010)
  9. Jasmine - My new eastern Garter Snake
  10. Gravid Radix (Plains Garter)
  11. Lights Out!
  12. We have a new forum
  13. More Jasmine Pictures
  14. Stunning BLUE snakes...
  15. Puget Sound garters
  16. Available soon!
  17. garter snake
  18. Garter snake mating video
  19. Huge gravid females
  20. Outdoor Photos - Mojo & Masubius
  21. The rarest Garter Snake ever in a US collection!
  22. My new Flame Eastern garters.
  23. Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
  24. really cool special about garter snakes mating
  25. Final tally of new garter snakes for 2010
  26. IT is Illegal to own and easter Garter in GA
  27. Mean little Infernalis
  28. another litter born today.. all done for 2010
  29. Garter foods?
  30. Orange garter found today
  31. Ribbon Snakes
  32. Blackneck trio.... updated pics.
  33. Getting yet another garter snake
  34. Fatal shed kills albino morph....(grrrrr)
  35. Poison?
  36. Thamnophis tetrataenia - sad situation (graphic pics)
  37. ***###another dead female!##@**
  38. 12 mixed morph babies - new pics
  39. My babies started eating - Feeding pics
  40. A valuable lesson about frozen foods
  41. Very rare piebald caught in the wild
  42. Did i do the right thing?
  43. new addition
  44. Goodbye Blue Sky (RIP)
  45. Some myths about Thamnophis dispelled
  46. Should I be worried?
  47. Pics of my little garter
  48. Wild Snake eats toad - six photos
  49. youtube video of frog being saved from snake lol
  50. Update on my garter
  51. a few new snakes
  52. R.I.P. Prince (My first ever garter passed on)
  53. Infernalis babies!! (Photos added 15/9/11)
  54. Northern brown snake Won't eat
  55. New Melanistic Wandering Garter
  56. Feeding pics.....
  57. Garter update
  58. Finally got a garter from infernalis(wayne)!!!!!!!!!
  59. Wild Garter Snake Eating Toad
  60. First Garter Sake
  61. Broke my own rule - almost lost 2 snakes
  62. Got Garter? I Do!
  63. Garter Snake 4 Sale
  64. First garter snake wont eat anything. Advise.
  65. Profile: Red
  66. Meet Jadis...(Very unique snow)
  67. Large female garter I caught
  68. Injured Garter Snake found + PICS!
  69. Jellybeans!
  70. Apartment Garter
  71. T.s.semifasciatus
  72. red x flame
  73. red belly
  74. T.s.fitchi
  75. misc. garter pics
  76. What is this
  77. Introducing Hermes...
  78. Dude looks like a lady...
  79. Help..what you think?
  80. Shelves...
  81. Plastic vs. glass
  82. Meet Taz!!
  83. Just a couple of questions from someone new to snakes!
  84. Garter Snake Laws in Alberta
  85. Not sure if Garters ARE banned in BC
  86. Rescue Garter must really like it here..
  87. first out of brumation
  88. Thamnophis eques obscurus
  89. Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis
  90. Parasite? (pictures)
  91. Snake I.D. please.
  92. Baby water snake help
  93. FAO Infernalis
  94. Anyone here keep Natrix Natrix?
  95. "Snow Garter" (Kind of) rescue..
  96. Garter pics.
  97. Wandering Garters and Slugs
  98. Is this a male and female?
  99. ribbon snake lost for five months and found under my neighbors pool. she is not actin
  100. Melissa's garters! (Name suggestions welcome)
  101. Tiny Eye Radix
  102. Sweet B/W-Axanthic T.radixes
  103. Garters and blood worms
  104. Amazing what they can survive....
  105. Total Surprise
  106. Oregon red spotted garter
  107. For Infernalis...
  108. Infernalis pictures 2012
  109. Possible world record - 97 babies
  110. help with Baby Garter Snakes!!
  111. My garter snakes! Red sided & now wandering
  112. My Checkered Garter
  113. Some Thamnophis
  114. feeding question garter snake
  115. Legality of shop selling garters in MI
  116. Cool pic (Garter devours toad)
  117. Finally got him to eat
  118. Offensive article-please respond
  119. Baby's First Handling
  120. I just learned that garters are venomous.
  121. Found a garter in the cold!
  122. Garter terrarium suggestions wanted.
  123. Questions about Eastern Garters
  124. Shedding Problems?
  125. Question on garter snake size
  126. garter flattening
  127. Pastel Granite Checkered
  128. Safe frozen tilapia for garters?
  129. First 2013 babies
  130. A Goodbye to Minnows
  131. Feel good video, wild snake tong feeding.
  132. Snakes per tank?
  133. High-contrast Green T.radix
  134. First Garter
  135. Considering a Garter
  136. Awesome T.ordinoides - Northwestern
  137. What happens when you breed Spider-Man to garter snakes?
  138. ready for shed
  139. new shed
  140. Albino garter pics
  141. Lap Lady!
  142. New pictures of Viserion! (Albino Checkered)
  143. Garter snake eating smooth green in the wild!
  144. Wild Caught Garter Feeding/Housing tips
  145. F1 Horry Co SC Erythristic pair
  146. New Albino Checkered Not Eating
  147. Mer albino
  148. New Garter Snake Owner
  149. Finally!
  150. Garter colony?
  151. caught!
  152. Another one bites the dust
  153. San Francisco Garter snake
  154. Garter Hasn't Shed Yet?
  155. Awesome Garter
  156. Garter feeding question?
  157. my babies!
  158. Wild Garter Baby Question
  159. Help immediately!!!!
  160. My not so little one
  161. Is cage too big?
  162. Draco Profile
  163. she escaped
  164. Any Ohio garter snake owners?
  165. First shed!
  166. Questions, Questions????????
  167. Any Colorado garter snake owners?
  168. Help?
  169. Narcisse Necrophilia
  170. cool garter
  171. Cool Garter pic
  172. Outdoor Viserion pictures. (Garter)
  173. Garter Breeders
  174. Best way to: Switching to Pinkies
  175. New Garter On The Way
  176. Peek at my Thamnophis Sirtalis sirtalis Collection
  177. Help?! Young Garter, Will NOT Eat Anything!
  178. What kind of Garter is this?
  179. Checkered Garter Picspam
  180. Garter love
  181. Demigod
  182. Garter Breeders
  183. What Garter?
  184. my wife maddy needs spiney mice
  185. Coiling for the camera..
  186. Easiest garter to take care of?
  187. Rescue
  188. Provent-a-mite can be a killer
  189. New, checkered baby
  190. Garters active during daylight hours?
  191. Meet Bellatrix - my Californian red sided garter (sirtalis infernalis) :D
  192. 2016 baby t. Marcianus in the making.
  193. 2016 Albino Checkered..
  194. 2009 Blue Puget female..
  195. 2016 Pastel granites..
  196. 2016 Soper Pastel het ...
  197. I want a garter snake :)
  198. Introducing Elvis and Vegas, Neon Blue California Red-Sided Garters
  199. The long wait...
  200. Odd Urates in Wandering Garter?
  201. Eastern
  202. Narrow headed garter snakes found in Blue river
  203. Newcomer Looking For Advice
  204. Thamnophis Concinnus Slugfest...
  205. 1st one of the year!
  206. 2017 California Red sideds...
  207. List of well known garter snake breeders?
  208. Canadian garter breeders
  209. An Albert Clark Offspring...
  210. Blue Garters
  211. My garter doesnt want to open one side of his mouth
  212. Beginner needing advice
  213. Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus
  214. Albert's Cali red sided
  215. A Curious Possible Owner
  216. Garter snake fishing
  217. found an injured garter snake? help?
  218. Looking to purchase garter snakes
  219. Cat brought in Garter Snake
  220. Pics/My Garter
  221. Feeding - amount of mice
  222. Garter won't eat, HELP!
  223. Garter won't eat, please help!
  224. New garter snake advice
  225. Native Alternatives to Guppies
  226. Baby Garter Identify questions.
  227. Where can I buy garter snakes?
  228. Garter Snake Food Questions
  229. Ribbons and regular garters living together mass hysteria!
  230. Is this a Garter Snake?
  231. Any Thamnophis keepers in California?
  232. New garter snakes
  233. Co-habitating baby garters
  234. Reputable Garter snake breeders Ontario